GHESKIO awarded prestigious 2010 Gates Award for Global Health

GHESKIO, an institution in Haiti founded nearly three decades ago to fight a mysterious killer disease later identified as AIDS, has been awarded the prestigious 2010 Gates Award for Global Health for its years of groundbreaking clinical service, research and training to effectively treat and prevent the spread of the HIV/AIDS and other related illnesses.

GHESKIO -- it stands for Groupe Haïtien d'étude du Sarcome de Kaposi et des Infections Opportunistes -- becomes the 10th winner of the annual Gates Award. Judges not only lauded the group for its impact from a long record of work but also for its life-saving and swift response to treat the sick and injured in the aftermath of the Jan. 12 earthquake that devastated Haiti. Despite sustaining substantial damage to its own facilities in Port-au-Prince, GHESKIO managed to open its doors to several thousand suddenly homeless people, and later opened a field hospital.

The group is led by Dr. Jean William Pape, professor of medicine at Weill Cornell Medical College. A Haitian native who has been one of the leading clinicians since the early days of the epidemic, Dr. Pape has been able to achieve AIDS patient survival rates and treatment adherence with patients that rival those of the most advanced hospitals and clinics in the United States and Europe. In addition, its research has informed the treatment and care of AIDS patients worldwide.

U.S. Secretary of Health and Human Services Kathleen Sebelius announced the award at a World Health Assembly symposium today. The Global Health Council has managed the award since its inception 10 years ago.

"No organization deserves this recognition more than GHESKIO. It has been a pioneer in developing comprehensive HIV/AIDS research, training and services in Haiti," says Sebelius. "And in the immediate aftermath of the January earthquake, GHESKIO responded by opening its doors, mobilizing its staff, and working side-by-side with U.S. medical and surgical teams to provide relief to the people of Port-au-Prince."

In thanking the committee and institutions for selecting GHESKIO, Dr. Pape cited the long-term commitment of people in the organization.

"For almost 30 years GHESKIO has tirelessly served those most in need in Haiti and translated its metric-based outcomes into effective policy for the prevention and treatment of HIV/AIDS and associated diseases such as tuberculosis into models for the developing world," says Dr. Pape.

He adds, "I could not be more proud of our Haitian staff who have worked diligently before, during and after the earthquake to meet the multiple needs of the population. They are the ones who, with our partners, have earned this recognition, which honors our country, Haiti."

"It has been 30 years since we began work in Haiti," says Dr. Warren Johnson Jr., director of the Center for Global Health at Weill Cornell, a co-founder of GHESKIO and Dr. Pape's adviser and mentor since Dr. Pape was a student in medical school at Weill Cornell. "It started with a rehydration unit for infants, progressed to treatment of AIDS and TB, and continues with the earthquake and its devastation. The challenges never diminish, but continue to be met by the indomitable spirit of GHESKIO and its partners. The award is a hard-earned honor."

"GHESKIO won this award because of the amazing impact that Dr. Bill Pape and his colleagues have had in saving lives and strengthening the health system in Haiti," says Global Health Council President and CEO Jeffrey L. Sturchio. "They have built GHESKIO into a rare institution -- one based in a developing country that has become a leader in the global research community. That dual character -- world-class research capabilities tied to deep roots in the local community -- is what sets GHESKIO apart and makes them the natural recipient of this recognition."

GHESKIO will receive $1 million as part of the award, which was established by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation to recognize organizations that have made outstanding contributions to improving health, especially in resource-poor settings. The winner was chosen by a jury of international health leaders from 179 nominations received from around the world.

GHESKIO: From Earthquake Relief to HIV/AIDS Care

Just 24 hours after the earthquake, GHESKIO's downtown Port-au-Prince staff began establishing a first-response trauma center, which has since evolved into a major source of care for the injured. Roughly 7,000 Port-au-Prince residents, homeless because of the earthquake, moved onto GHESKIO's campus. Within a week of the earthquake, GHESKIO was able to ensure that 95 percent of those under care of HIV and tuberculosis were returned to their life-saving medications and care despite the destruction.

Prior to the earthquake, the GHESKIO network was providing palliative care to more than 50,000 HIV-infected patients and antiretroviral therapy to more than 13,500 -- roughly 55 percent of all patients on AIDS treatment in Haiti. In 2009, GHESKIO tested more than 500,000 patients for HIV, providing prevention counseling and treatment of sexually transmitted diseases for those who are negative, and treatment for those who are positive.


The opinions expressed here are the views of the writer and do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of News Medical.
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