Multi-donor HEPATOPAC® cultures can be used for up to 4 weeks in met ID, metabolic stability, and toxicity applications.

Image Credit: BioIVT
Hepatopac® cultures-Multi-donor
Multi-donor HEPATOPAC® cultures allow for an experimental design in which data is obtained concurrently from pooled human donors in a single experiment. This gives a highly efficient method for predicting in vivo outcomes.
These plates can be made with either 5- or 10-donor LIVERPOOL® cryoplateable hepatocytes. HEPATOPAC plates can also be made with individual human donors on the same plate or as the client requests.
Multi-donor HEPATOPAC cultures remain viable and highly functioning for up to four weeks. Dosing can start two days after obtaining the kit.
All products are intended solely for research purposes. Do not use it on animals or people. These items have not been authorized for diagnostic or clinical use.