Sino Biological and BioGeometry Deepen Strategic Cooperation to Empower Protein R&D with Generative AI

Sino Biological, a leading recombinant protein production company, is pleased to announce an expansion of its strategic partnership with BioGeometry, a pioneer in digital biology. This collaboration brings together Sino Biological’s advanced protein expression and wet-lab capabilities with BioGeometry’s generative AI protein design and optimization platform. The two companies aim to enhance their joint offerings and explore high-value market opportunities globally.

Sino Biological is committed to driving innovation in biomanufacturing by integrating cutting-edge technologies. The company’s expertise in protein and antibody research, combined with BioGeometry’s breakthroughs in generative AI, offers unparalleled solutions for protein design and optimization. This partnership is set to significantly accelerate the pace of discovery for researchers and pharmaceutical companies, providing clients with access to faster, more efficient protein R&D services.

Image Credit: Sino Biological

Image Credit: Sino Biological

Deep learning, particularly large-scale generative AI models, is revolutionizing biomanufacturing. AlphaFold3, using diffusion models, can now predict biomolecule structures, significantly advancing protein design. BioGeometry, a leader in generative AI for protein design, pioneered diffusion models with its influential 2021 "GeoDiff" paper. In June, BioGeometry introduced GeoFlow, a protein foundation model that excels in structure prediction and design, rivaling AlphaFold3 in antigen-antibody complex prediction. Freely available for non-commercial use, GeoFlow is integrated into BioGeometry’s GeoBiologics platform, enhancing protein design efficiency with fewer experiments.

Sino Biological and BioGeometry partnership to combine generative AI with wet lab experiments, offers advanced research tools and CRO services. Their collaboration leverages BioGeometry’s GeoFlow-based platform and Sino Biological's protein expression capabilities to improve design efficiency and accuracy. By updating AI models with experimental data, they accelerate project completion. They've already successfully developed nanobodies and enzymes and aim to further innovate AI-driven protein research, contributing to advancements in biopharmaceuticals, disease treatment, and sustainable development.

Sino Biological has long been recognized for its comprehensive CRO technical service platform, encompassing gene cloning, protein expression, antibody development, and quality control research. With capabilities that span from gene sequence to large-scale production, Sino Biological delivers preclinical production services at an unmatched speed, producing purified monoclonal antibodies in as little as a few weeks. The company’s vast protein and antibody library, along with its extensive screening and production platforms, positions Sino Biological as a global leader in life science research and innovative drug development.

Looking ahead, Sino Biological and BioGeometry will continue to explore new applications of AI in protein research and development, aiming to shape the future of biopharmaceutical R&D and make significant contributions to disease treatment and sustainable scientific progress.


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