eToims® Medical Technology has announced an innovative Sports Development Program with a leading UK football franchise to refine and improve athletic therapy and conditioning. This partnership joins together the Sports Medicine and Science Department of one of the most recognized brands globally in sports with eToims®'s state-of-art proprietary system. Initial positive results include symptom improvement and enhanced recovery in individuals with nerve-related muscle symptoms.
eToims® inventor Jennifer Chu, MD, Emeritus Associate Professor, University of Pennsylvania Medical School, former Director of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation (PMR), Electrodiagnostic Section states: "The club's football players whom I treated with eToims®, all showed very tight core muscles making them hip, knee and ankle injury prone. Similar injuries occur in tennis, track and other sports but studies show that professional football is 1000 times more injurious than other high-risk occupations".
The non-invasive eToims® ET127 device is used for stimulation of neuromuscular junctions (trigger points), in acute and chronic neuromuscular pain/discomfort conditions related to sports, work, auto-accidents, overuse, activities of daily living and aging. eToims® reaches deep to produce twitch contractions of muscle fibers apposed to bone and joints. These characteristic twitches facilitate circulation to the deepest tissues by contracting and instantaneously relaxing individual shortened, tight muscles, resulting in immediate improvement in pain/discomfort and physical function.
"The development of non-invasive techniques in electrodiagnosis is expected in 21st-century medicine," said Professor Emeritus Bhagwan Shahani, MD, PhD (Oxon), past president of American Association of Neuromuscular and Electrodiagnostic Medicine. "I am excited that eToims® both mobilizes joints and relieves patients' pain and discomfort. Clinicians are looking for new techniques to offer patients the ability to regain control of their lives by eliminating pain."
Francis Bruyninckx, M.D., Director, PMR Electrodiagnostic Medicine, Leuven University, Belgium explains: " When too much muscle tightness and pain preclude the use of conventional exercise therapy, eToims® may still effectively exercise these tight, painful muscles--giving potential use as an exercise therapy over conventional methods. Unlike many forms of pain relieving medication, as a non-narcotic, eToims® has unique and potentially groundbreaking abilities to provide functional improvement, with few contraindications and rare side effects even with long-term use".
NHS-UK's dually accredited Consultant Clinical Neurophysiologist/Neurologist, SZ Tun, MD(USA), FRCP(UK) agrees: "If eToims® successfully returns patients to work, remuneration for work would exert positive effects on families and friends. Medications that cloud the mind without helping function, do the opposite. eToims® has potential to decrease the amount of/or end pain medications with potential to avoid unnecessary surgery and associated prolonged downtime".