The minispec benchtop Time Domain NMR (TD-NMR) analyzer provides fast, simultaneous analysis of moisture and oil, with easy calibration.

Oil and Moisture Analysis
- Supports Official International Standard Methods
- Oil and moisture in all types of nuts, seeds, and residues
- Accurate, fast and reproducible, better than wet chemistry
- Simple calibration with just a small number of samples
- Analysis of large samples, inhomogenities are averaged
- No sample grinding
- Integral measurement, also through a thick outer sample shell
- Independent of color, texture and surface
The TD-NMR is an established performer when it comes to measuring oil and moisture in nuts, oilseeds and residues. Since different sample components have different relaxation decays, oil and moisture can be easily identified and clearly differentiated.
The minispec product line from Bruker provides a perfect solution for all types of nuts and seeds. Both QC/ QA (bulk screening) as well as R&D (seed breading programs) purposes can be perfectly addressed.
Bulk Screening
If bulk screening is required for commercial purposes, large samples of seeds (for example, soybean, sunflower or canola) need to be analyzed so that a representative amount can be tested.
Such large samples can be easily accommodated in the 50 mm and 40 mm compartments of the mq-one XL Seed Analyzer and the mq-one seed analyzer, respectively.
Seed Breading Programs
In the case of the smallest samples, for example, when measuring just one canola seed, the mq40 seed analyzer with a 10 mm sample compartment provides exceptional sensitivity.

Oil and Moisture Determination by minispec on various Types of Samples
If the task is to examine the seed from a single plant, (for example canola, flax), or measure a single sunflower, soy or corn seed, the mq20 seed analyzer (20 MHz NMR) delivers a remarkable performance.
The Method of Choice
The minispec NMR analyzer provides a spectroscopic approach, but differs from chemometric techniques, the calibration is robust and extremely simple. For the minispec method, only minimum sample preparation is required which involves filling the sample into a tube, recording the weight and inserting the sample tube into the minispec.
It takes less than one minute to perform the entire analysis – even by untrained staff. An automated series of system tests is launched through Daily Check routines. The system complies with international GLP regulations and this is ensured by successfully passed instrument tests.
Ideal Technology for Any Type of Seeds
With the minispec TD-NMR spectrometer, oil and moisture in oilseeds can be determined simultaneously, oilseeds include:
- Corn
- Canola
- Cotton
- Sunflower
- Poppy
- Flax
- Mustard
- Soya
- Hemp
Official Methods
The combination of International Standard methods and the genuine Bruker minispec ensures the best possible performance for oilseed operations. The minispec NMR analyzer from Bruker has been established by international ring tests – the basis for the Oilseed Standard Methods:
- ISO 10565
- ISO 10632
- AOCS Ak4-95
- USDA GIPSA approved
Calibration of the minispec
A fast and simple procedure, only few samples are required.
Calibration is Possible in Different Ways
- By using three to five different amounts of oil, simply filled into the NMR tube
- By using real seed samples that were earlier studied through a wet-chemical method
- By utilizing standards as supplied by, for example, USDA/GIPSA (USA)
minispec Configurations:
mq-one XL Seed Analyzer
- 7.5 MHz NMR system
- Tube diameter: ~ 50 mm
- Sample volume: ~ 100 ml
- Recommended for the most inhomogenous samples
- Included in a package with tubes
mq-one Seed Analyzer
- 10 MHz NMR system
- Tube diameter: ~ 40 mm
- Sample volume: ~ 40 ml
- Recommended for semi-homogenized materials and seeds such as rapeseed
- Included in a package with tubes, and aluminium block
- 20 MHz NMR system
- Tube diameter: ~ 18 mm or others
- Sample volume: ~ 8 ml
- Recommended for small amounts of seeds down to a single seed
- 40 MHz NMR system
- Tube diameter: ~ 10 mm
- Sample volume: ~ 0.75 ml
- Recommended for single seed analysis
About Bruker BioSpin - NMR, EPR and Imaging

Bruker BioSpin offers the world's most comprehensive range of NMR and EPR spectroscopy and preclinical research tools. Bruker BioSpin develops, manufactures and supplies technology to research establishments, commercial enterprises and multi-national corporations across countless industries and fields of expertise.
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