High-content imaging
Achieve accurate quantitative evaluation through increased sensitivity for high-quality images. Newcells' imaging suite provides comprehensive solutions for phenotypic analyses, safety and efficacy studies, and target localization. High-content image evaluation enhances the strength and accuracy of data for confident lead compound advancement.

Retinal organoids at D180 of differentiation stained with Hoechst and Rhodopsin analyzed with Axio Observer with Apotome 3 system (Zeiss). Image Credit: Newcells Biotech
Automated high-throughput analysis

Fibroblast-to-myofibroblast (FMT) assay analyzed with ImageXpress® Confocal HT.ai High-Content Imaging System (Molecular Devices) showing extracellular collagen deposition (pink), alpha smooth muscle actin (green) and cell nuclei (blue). Image Credit: Newcells Biotech
Rapid laser-based imaging facilitates high throughput capacity up to 1536-well plate. It is further improved with better imaging speed and less evaluation time to speed up the screening of extensive quantities for concentrations and compounds. Automated evaluation offers more reliable and standardized results.
Imaging capabilities
- Axio Observer with Apotome 3 system (Zeiss) is advised for high-resolution imaging with optical sectioning in fluorescence-based imaging to evaluate complex cell models and tissues
- Molecular Devices' ImageXpress® Pico Automated Cell Imaging system is perfect for high-throughput imaging. Even faster drug screening is made possible by automated analysis
- ImageXpress® Confocal HT.ai High-Content Imaging system (Molecular Devices) blends high-content, high-throughput, and high-sensitivity imaging. Automated image evaluation allows phenotypic details to be captured for more reliable data outputs and confident decision-making free from ias. All active target compounds can be identified due to higher sensitivity.
- Assay for the high-throughput, high-sensitivity transition of lung fibroblasts to myofibroblasts
- Retina disease modeling
- Gene therapy vector assessment
- Ciliary Beat Frequency Assay
- Kidney drug transporter assay
- Kidney toxicity
- Retina toxicity
Newcells Biotech imaging capabilities
New Imaging Suite launch video
Video Credit: Newcells Biotech