Preservation tubes for stool samples are a quick and easy way to collect, preserve, and ship them at room temperature.

Image Credit: Norgen Biotek Corporation
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50 Tubes
Features and Benefits
Removes the variability of the sample.
By stopping the growth of bacteria and fungi and deactivating viruses, it renders the sample non-infectious and gets rid of odor.
- Ambient temperature preservation:
At room temperature, DNA can be preserved for over two years and RNA for seven days.
There is no need for cold storage or shipping.
Works well in a variety of temperatures.
To prolong the stabilization of nucleic acids for longer periods, the tubes can be kept at -80 °C.
DNA and RNA isolation:
Compatible with various isolation techniques, such as Norgen's Stool kits for total nucleic acid, DNA, and RNA isolation.
Microbiome profiling:
A consistent and dependable source of samples for metagenomics analysis or microbial detection using NGS, qPCR, ddPCR, and other techniques.
According to published research, preserved stool samples can be used for metabolomic and SCFA analyses.

Image Credit: Norgen Biotek Corporation
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Supporting data

Figure 1. Norgen's Best-In-Class Preservation. Summary of community shifts in response to stabilizing solutions over a 14-day storage period. Bray-Curtis distance towards the reference for each patient grouped by stabilizing solution. Median and 5th-to-95th percentile ranges are shown for both interaliquot and interpatient variability (adapted from Plauzolles et al, 2022). Norgen is the most similar to frozen stool samples, over 11 other sample collection and storage methods.Image Credit: Norgen Biotek Corporation

Figure 2. Integrity of Total Stool DNA and RNA Isolated from Preserved Stool Samples. DNA and RNA were isolated from 200 µL of preserved stool from 4 different donors (lanes A to D) stored at room temperature at the indicated time points (DNA at 27 months and RNA at 7 days) using Norgen's Stool Nucleic Acid Isolation Kit (Cat# 45600). Next, 10 µL from the 75 µL eluted nucleic acid was loaded onto a gel for visual analysis. High-integrity stool DNA was isolated from preserved stool samples that were stored at room temperature for 27 months, and high integrity RNA was isolated from stool samples stored for 7 days at ambient temperature. Lane M is Norgen's HighRanger 1 kb DNA Ladder (Cat. 11900). Image Credit: Norgen Biotek Corporation

Figure 3. Monitoring the DNA stability of Adenovirus (Ad5subE1) Spiked into Preserved Stool Samples using TaqMan Real-Time PCR Assay. Preserved stool samples were spiked with 6 x 109 pfu/mL of Adenovirus, and 200 µL samples were removed at the indicated time points. The stool DNA was then isolated using Norgen's Stool DNA Isolation Kit (Cat# 27600). Next, 2 µL of DNA template from each 50 µL of elution was used in a 20 µL PCR reaction to detect the Adenovirus DNA. The stool preservative was shown to stabilize Adenovirus DNA up to 21 weeks at ambient temperature, indicating that Norgen's Stool Nucleic Acid Collection and Preservation Tubes provide a safe and convenient sample transportation system. Image Credit: Norgen Biotek Corporation

Figure 4. Hierarchical Clustering of Stool Samples at Phylum Level Under Different Storage Conditions. The microbial composition from the stool samples preserved in Norgen’s Stool Nucleic Acid Collection and Preservation Tubes (Cat. 45630, 45660) did not differ significantly to that of controls (fresh stool from Day 0 at RT) over a 2 day period while non-preserved stool samples showed a distance in the dendrogram from the original stool profile. Image Credit: Norgen Biotek Corporation

Figure 5. Difference In Top 5 Abundant Microorganisms at Phylum Level Compared to Fresh Stool (Day 0). Abundance of Firmicuties, Bacteroidetes, and proteobacteria from the preserved stool sample was higher than non-preserved (NP) to the fresh stool after 2 days storage at RT, indicating that the originality of microorganism profile from the preserved are much closer to the fresh stool sample (Day 0). Image Credit: Norgen Biotek Corporation

Figure 6. Relative Abundance of Bacterial Genera Between Preserved and Non-preserved Stool Sample Stored at RT For 2 Days. Preserved stool sample using Norgen’s Stool Nucleic Acid Collection and Preservation Tubes (Cat. 45630, 45660) showed closed relativeness to the fresh stool sample (Day 0). Image Credit: Norgen Biotek Corporation

Figure 7. Correlation between duplicate bacterial metagenomic reads using (A) Fresh stool (day 0) and preserved stool at RT for 2 days and (B) Fresh stool (day 0) and non-preserved stool at RT for 2 days. A greater R2 was observed for Fresh stool (day 0) and preserved stool, suggestive of higher consistency between fresh stool sample and preserved stool sample. Image Credit: Norgen Biotek Corporation
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Kit specifications
Source: Norgen Biotek Corporation
Kit Specifications |
Stool Input |
2 g |
Stability of Stool Nucleic Acids at Room Temperature |
2 years for DNA
7 days for RNA* |
* The RNA stability will vary depending on the samples
Storage conditions and product stability
All tubes should be stored at room temperature (15 to 25 °C) with a tight seal for two years following the date of shipment to prevent performance degradation.
Source: Norgen Biotek Corporation
Kit Components |
Cat. 45660 |
Stool Nucleic Acid Collection and Preservation Tubes |
50 |
Product Insert |
1 |